We have just celebrated 100 years of beekeeping in Ashford. The club was formed in 1919 and held its first AGM in 1920, when there were 40 members.
The aim of the club is to promote best practice and to encourage and assist members to take up the craft, whilst striving to educate members of the public with regards to the importance of protecting honeybees for our future on this planet.
The club is very beginner friendly and has its own apiary at Ruckinge near Ashford, which is where meetings are held in the summer months.
Experienced or novice or just interested in bees? Come and join us.
Committee Members and Contacts
If you have a general enquiry, please use our Standard Contact Form. If you need advice on a specific topic, please contact one of our committee as below. Please remember that our staff are volunteers and will get back to you as soon as they are able.
Gerry Worthy: Chair
Andy Charley: Vice Chair : Secretary
Joanne Knaggs: Membership Secretary
Anne Clifton-Holt: Treasurer.
Michael Lindsay: Apiary Manager
Social Media: John Stone
Anne Clifton-Holt and Michael Lindsay: KBA Representatives
Ashford Beekeepers is part of the Kent Beekeepers Association.
British Beekeepers Association Articles of Association